Experience developing Front-End UI screens using the AUD platform.
By applying the PPDM development methodology, you can create screens in a low-code format.
Refer to the details below to try developing both a search screen and a search/edit screen.
Introduction and Interface
Accessing the Site
- Navigate to the training site and log in to the portal.
Training URL : https://aud.bimatrix.com/portal/login.jsp
Starting with the Portal Screen
This is the main screen of the AUD platform.
You can practice creating screens by using the TBD (Template Based Development) folder located in the left menu area.
Using Practice Templates
Saving Practice Templates to Your Personal Folder
To proceed with the practice using the templates provided in the portal, save them to your personal folder.
This approach reduces development time, ensures consistent structure, design, and functionality, and enhances maintainability and user experience.
Understanding the Data
Utilize i-META to work with customer information, reference dates, store information, product details, sales performance, and sales targets to create and use [Sales Analysis] meta data.
Selecting the Screen to Create
Choose the screen you want to create from the list below, and follow the guide's instructions to design the screen.