페이지 트리

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Easy Heading Macro


Default Report(List,Pivot,Chart)

Sales Performance by Branch(List)

Creating a Screen to View Sales Performance by Branch with Just Placing Query Items

Sales Performance by Product(CrossTab)

Adding Analytical Perspectives Using the Branch-Wise Sales Performance Screen

Sales Performance by Period(Chart)

Visualizing Sales Trends on the Product-Wise Sales Analysis Screen

Sales Analysis by Period(i-META)

Analyzing Sales Across Various Time Periods: Month-on-Month, Year-on-Year, and Year-to-Date Comparisons



Report(Cross Tab,Report)

Sales Performance by Product

Create a Product Performance Inquiry Screen Using Business Presentation Materials

Sales Performance Report

Create a Branch-Specific Target vs. Performance Report Using Business Presentation Materials

Sales Status(CrossTab)

Create a Product-Specific Performance Report Compared to the Previous Month Using Business Presentation Materials


Dashboard Report(Chart,Event)

Revenue by Customer Type

Creating a sales status dashboard by customer using actual business presentation slides