전사 매출, 상품별 전월/전년동월/전년누계 대비 매출 실적 분석을 위한 대시보드 만들기Create a dashboard for analyzing sales performance, comparing company-wide sales, and product-specific sales against last month, the same month last year, and year-to-date sales
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현업 Excel 파일을 활용하여 보고서 개발, [데이터 생성기] 및 [파생공법]을 활용하여 화면 만들기
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Basic Practice
Use the real-world Excel file to develop the report, and create the screen using the [Data Generator] and [Derived Methods]
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위젯 연결기 |
width | 920 |
url | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S4fwTIB0UBU&list=PLwlugVSklJKt_ek90KTpoZAKykiCWhnqO&index=51 |
height | 500 |